On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 17:25, David V. Corbin wrote:
> For MOST sites http://mydomain.tld should map to http://www.mydomain.tld for
> convience, but I will argue that is is not a requirement to have "done it
> right".
It's one of those features that I don't particuarly like, though. I
remember once when using a sluggish browser randomly hitting a few keys
in the address bar and hitting return to see if it was alive, expecting
an error page back. As it happens, I happened to happened to hit 'kkk'
and ended up on the Ku Klux Klan website - nice.
A quick test just now (using Opera; the previous time would have been IE
- version 4 probably - in a work environment) shows that this is still
the case. I'm not sure if it's Opera being clever and guessing at stuff
to stick on the front and end of whatever's in the address bar, or a
function of some transparent web proxy somewhere within my ISP.
I think I'd much rather things to work such that the address I type in
either resolves to something or comes back with nothing. Oh, and for
advertisers to actually give the full address - I've seen cases before
where they leave off such as the 'www' expecting your browser to add it
for you.
Received on Fri Aug 20 2004 - 13:18:12 BST