Cleaning up yellowed/grubby plastic?

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Wed Aug 25 18:57:51 2004

Rumor has it that Teo Zenios may have mentioned these words:

> > Viscosity is also a large factor on environment. WD40 works great on my
> > door hinges in my house, but I use heavy grease on automotive door
> >
> > Just IMHO,
> > Roger "Merch" Merchberger
> >
>Real mechanics read the manual that came with the machine they need to lube,
>and they also make sure the lube is rated for the temperature their gear
>will run in. Last time I checked viscosity is temperature dependent, so you
>might need something "thicker" in hotter climates and something "thinner" in
>colder ones.

Well, I wasn't advocating using WD-40 in the crankcase... :-O

I have yet to see a lubrication guide for indoor-use door hinges...

>If you are not sure, then go ask somebody who might have a clue (well works
>for me anyway).

...and my car dealership uses WD-40 on automotive hinges (which especially
up in the cold, salty north doesn't last very long at all). They should be
the ones with the clue, should they not? ;-P

>For quite a few purposes around the house where something is old and stuck
>and just needs to get moving again (not worth the time and effort for a
>rebuild) WD40 works just fine.

Which is pretty much what I was getting at...

(Oh, and I'm not a real mechanic, either. I don't even play one on TV! I'm
a geek.)

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | "Profile, don't speculate."
sysadmin, Iceberg Computers |     Daniel J. Bernstein          |
Received on Wed Aug 25 2004 - 18:57:51 BST

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