What fun from a Macintosh SE

From: chris <cb_at_mythtech.net>
Date: Thu Aug 26 21:19:54 2004

>My first 'PC Clone' was made with one of those old 63.5 watt IBM
>supplies. In a totally non-matched Leading Edge Model D case. To fit
>the supply in such a case, the supply circuit board had to be completely
>removed from the steel case and just bolted inside the Model D case.

I converted a bunch of IBM ATs into AMD K6-2 machines. And all still run
happily today, whereas others built at the same time made with newer AT
power supplies, all have died, and almost without exception, it has been
either the power supply itself, or something damaged from the power

Received on Thu Aug 26 2004 - 21:19:54 BST

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