Am 27 Aug 2004 8:20 meinte Adrian Graham:
> > [] On Behalf Of Patrick/VCM SysOp
> > Hmmmm, daydreaming... The Microsoft version, the "Natural Beverage
> > Keyboard USB/IBA". You have to buy a client license for each glass
> > you use. The keyboard oozes turpentine when you press the "Jack" key
> > while in Outlook, until you install hotfix K987666. ;-)
> Heh, I'd like a keyboard with all of these:
> An ANY key
> Separate F1 for when the keyboard is missing.
> An 'I know what I'm doing' key A 'just fucking do it!' key And
> a cluster of ctrl-alt-del keys to make 3-fingered salutes easier to do :)
Well, back in the old time, when there was a Computer
Museum in Boston, they had ANY-Keys and PANIC-Buttons
in their gift shop. I thought it's cool. And in fact,
the keycaps did perfectly fit on a IBM-PC keboard. So
F1 became 'Panic' and ESC 'Any Key' on my keyboard.
VCF Europa 6.0 am 30.April und 01.Mai 2005 in Muenchen
Received on Fri Aug 27 2004 - 06:29:18 BST