7 Track tape drives?

From: Peter C. Wallace <pcw_at_mesanet.com>
Date: Sun Dec 5 15:14:36 2004


possibly 7 track according to:



RD-358(V), RD-358A(V)/UYK Magnetic Tape Subsystems (MTSs)

The MTSs are medium speed devices providing a means for large capacity
auxiliary storage of computer data on magnetic tape. An MTS consists of a
Control Unit and a Magnetic Tape Transport (MTT). The control unit contains
the logical functions required for controlling the MTT and accommodating the
requirements of the external data processing system. The MTS is used by the
C2P for extracting data, reading JTIDS information from tape, and transcribing
files to the Embedded Memory Subsystem (EMS).

The RD-358(V)/UYK has two tape drives which have seven recording tracks.
These units are found on CV/CVN platforms.

The RD-358A/UYK has four tape drives, two with nine recording tracks and two
with seven recording tracks. These units are found on CG, DDG, and LHA
platforms. The C2P controls access to the specific recorded media for JTIDS.
A ship requiring "nine track" tapes cannot subsitute the use of "seven track"
tapes due to C2P programing.


Peter Wallace
Received on Sun Dec 05 2004 - 15:14:36 GMT

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