It always makes me laugh when I see one group of lunatics say all the OTHER
groups are lunatics. :)
Whether we collect computers, radios, typewriters, televisions, telegraphs
keys, telephones, mathematical tools, hand tools, or whatever -- we're all
basically doing the same thing.
--- Vintage Computer Festival <> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Dec 2004, Bill Sudbrink wrote:
> > I don't recall where I read it now... (somewhere in a newsgroup) but
> > it seems to be fueled by Japanese vintage (read tube) stereo collectors.
> > The original service and repair manuals spec that particular kind of
> > solder and there seems to be a belief that the modern equivalent is not
> > mixed (alloyed, whatever) correctly. So if you pay big bucks for a
> > tube stereo but it is repaired with the "wrong" solder, you still don't
> > get the "magic" sound you're looking for, hence you'll pay several
> > hundred bucks for an old spool of solder. Apparently, they'll even have
> > working units that appear to contain "incorrect" solder disassembled
> > all of the "bad" solder removed and then reassembled with the "right"
> > stuff.
> Wow, these people need to spend less on their music and more on their
> drugs.
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
> Festival
> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
> [ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers
> ]
> [ and academia at || at
> ]
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Received on Wed Dec 29 2004 - 10:53:35 GMT