Only too true, not too long ago , a company was advertising the bare rubber
sections for pinch rollers etc. for almost any Vcr you could mention - I
haven't seen them advertise for months , and the phone no. is no longer
valid. - They are (were?) JJ Electronics somewhere in London nw9.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vintage Computer Festival" <>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 4:31 PM
Subject: RE: 'melted' tape roller
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Witchy wrote:
> > Hmm. Pity the only good repairs place round here closed down a couple of
> > years ago; never found out why. There's one more but he's one of the
> > grumpiest people I've ever come across.
> You would be too if everyone just threw out their broken VCR and bought a
> new one instead of trying to have it repaired :\
> --
> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Received on Wed Feb 04 2004 - 14:43:40 GMT