Thanks for the help Fred....
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred N. van Kempen" <>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2004 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: SIMH Help
> Curt,
> > I'm just trying out SIMH and I'm not quite familiar with the way it
> > I've attached an image as an RL02 to the RL0 Unit, but where do I go
> > there to get it to be assigned something similar to what a real vax
> > have, normally my RL02's would come up as a DLA0: and so forth, I've
> > looking through the SIMH help, but I am missing something and I want to
> > the drive.img file accessible as a drive in SIMH so I can access its
> > contents, thanks in advance for any help offered.
> >
> >
> > RL, address=20001900-20001909, vector=270, 4 units
> > RL0, 5242KW, attached to d:\rl02s\disk1.img, write enabled, RL02
> > RL1, 2621KW, not attached, write enabled, autosize
> > RL2, 2621KW, not attached, write enabled, autosize
> > RL3, 2621KW, not attached, write enabled, autosize
> OK, looks like you indeed have an R/W RL02 image loaded. If this
> is a VAX simulator, you will also need the KA655's ROM image (its
> usually called ka655.bin or similar), so the VAX can load it and
> then execute it.
> After doing all the device attachments in SimH, you "boot" the
> VAX by typing:
> simh> boot cpu
> which basically loads the ROM file, and executes it, reasulting
> in the usual display of selftest messages, and ending you into
> the wellknown >>> prompt.
> A "show device" should indeed tell you it sees a DLA0 device,
> which you can boot the usual way (boot dla0:) ...
> Cheers,
> Fred
> --
> Fred N. van Kempen, DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation)
> Visit the VAXlab Project at
> Visit the Archives at
> Email: BUSSUM, THE NETHERLANDS / Mountain View, CA,
Received on Mon Feb 09 2004 - 12:25:45 GMT