> > Certain Toshiba cd-roms and vaxes get along nicely, I had
> an older NEC
> > multispin work on a Microvax II at one point if I
> recall.... DVD's
> > would only be viewed as cd-roms if you could get them to be
> accessible
> > at all.... if you've got a nice supply of drives to
> tinker with, its
> > worth doing some trial and error research.
> Yeah, I have about, hrrm, oh, 200 drives splattered across
> the place, so I can play. I *know* that most NEC, Toshiba
> and all of the Plextor drives are OK. Most older CD-writers are, too.
I've never tried a non-DEC CDROM (never had to) but I do have
a Yamaha CDRW which no longer writes, so I may try it out
sometime. If it can be persuaded to do 512-byte blocks it
will work, if it can't, it probably won't. The other rule
of thumb is that if it works on Sun it probably works on
a VAX (and vice-versa).
I do not know if the InfoServer ESS code uses 10-bit SCSI commands
and hence has an issue with drives greater than 1GB. I assume
not because someone would have tried it by now and said so,
but ...
If you write your own DVDs and use ODS2
I doubt the infoserver would know the difference - just
serves blocks doesn't it? It might even serve data DVDs
even in UDF format. Streaming your latest movies might
be a stretch though!
> I have a box of JVC DVD players, I will probably hook em up
> to an 3100 and see what happens... likewise for the Nakamichi
> CD changers.
Changes usually appear as sub-luns don't they? If so, then
I think the OpenVMS driver can cope (that is, IIRC, why the
naming convention is as it is - to allow for this very
possibility). Let us know whether ESS sees multiple
drives or not.
Antonio Carlini arcarlini_at_iee.org
Received on Thu Feb 12 2004 - 10:18:16 GMT