I'm stupider than you!! RSTS/E question

From: Paul Koning <pkoning_at_equallogic.com>
Date: Wed Jul 7 08:40:24 2004

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Firestone <pdp11_70_at_retrobbs.org> writes:

 Mark> Ok, I've done something stupid. Really stupid. I'm almost
 Mark> afraid to post this, because you all will think I am stupid.

 Mark> I lost the 1,x password to my RSTS/E 9 system. I picked a
 Mark> strong password, ...

 Mark> ... it took a while to make this work. I'd rather not have to
 Mark> set it up again. Is there any way to hack into my own box to
 Mark> recover my own password, or is it time to mount the install
 Mark> "tapes" and start all over again?

Boot the system, say "yes" to "start timesharing", say "no" to
"proceed with system startup" and you'll find yourself at a DCL
prompt. Reset the password, say "_at_[0,1]sysini.com start" and you're
in business.

Received on Wed Jul 07 2004 - 08:40:24 BST

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