On Wed, 30 Jun 2004, Paul Koning wrote:
> Joe> Seriously, what's the difficulty?
> Did they check the recipient's name against the denied parties list?
> Do they even know what a denied parties list is? Did they check the
> export category of the item being exported, and verify what the export
> rules are that apply to *that* category for *that* destination country
> and type of recipient?
> That's the difficulty.
The US Post Office makes no mention of this requirement, which is still
fairly new as far as I know.
So as long as the USPS is not enforcing it, then what does it really
Once Bush and his ill lot is out of office it's not going to matter
anyway. The US PATRIOT act is going to be relegated to the shitheap of
history (along with the rest of his putrid administration).
(Or am I being WAY TOO optimistic?)
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Received on Wed Jul 07 2004 - 16:38:25 BST