At 01:59 PM 7/24/04 -0700, you wrote:
>On Sat, 24 Jul 2004, Joe R. wrote:
>> I took this one apart this morning. It has two cards under the AIM-65
>> board. I haven't looked close but one of them appears to be an A/D card.
>> The other has 24 2114 RAM chips on it along with two 74154s.
>> I posted pictures of it at <>.
>Very interesting box. That doesn't look like a standard AIM-65 keyboard.
>Isn't the keyboard integrated into the board normally?
Nope, it connects via a ribbon cable exactly like this one does. Here's a
picture of another AIM-65 that I have and you can see the CPU board is the
same and it has the same ribbon cable socket in the top left corner.
<> I haven't had an AIM-65 with
a keyboard for a long time so I don't know for certain if this keyboard is
the same as the normal ones but I think it is. I pulled the keyboard out
and checked it and the only name on it is Superior and a NAND gate symbol.
Perhaps someone can compare this to their keyboard.
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Received on Sat Jul 24 2004 - 17:24:17 BST