It's time to register as an exhibitor for VCF 7.0!
The dates have been changed from October 30-31 to October 2-3. I wanted
to have a Halloween VCF, but it wouldn't work out for too many people, so
that idea unfortunately had to be scrapped (though you're still welcome to
come dressed up if you'd like).
This is less than 3 months away, so get your exhibit figured out and
register ASAP!
The exhibit categories are going to be re-vamped this year, and all
registered exhibitors will receive an update once the new rules and
regulations are posted (in another 2 weeks or so). In the meantime,
select an appropriate class from the existing ones.
Please e-mail me directly if you have any questions.
I hope to see at least 50 exhibitors at VCF 7.0 so please sign up!!
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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Received on Sat Jul 24 2004 - 17:28:52 BST