VCF Security

From: Erik S. Klein <>
Date: Wed Jul 28 12:47:33 2004

Security is absolutely not an issue. The museum itself has a very good
security system - they are in the old SGI headquarters building and
those with displays tend to look out for each other as well.

The biggest concern I ever had was during the day when folks were free
to wander the exhibits. I, too, wanted to attend lectures and look
around and was a bit concerned about leaving my stuff unattended. As it
turned out, that concern was unfounded. People were very respectful of
everyone's gear and other exhibitors were minding things anyway.

I've attended the last two VCFs and intend to display again this year
and I haven't had or heard of a security related problem.

If you're interested in some pictures, please browse through and

    Erik Klein
    The Vintage Computer Forum

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 7:54 AM
Subject: VCF Security

I am considering having an exhibit at the next Vintage Computer Festival
(7.0). I was wondering what the security is like for the exhibits. Do
you need to packup up each night? I would like to here comment from
those who were there (Computer History Museum) last year.
Michael Holley
Received on Wed Jul 28 2004 - 12:47:33 BST

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