Are some of the stranger datasheets posted online somewhere?...
The spec-sheet for Rane Audio's PI-14 Pseudoacoustic Infector is available
as a PDF at . It's an interesting
piece of gear, I must say. I quote one paragraph:
"Nothing has been left out. Transparent to the user but essential
to the design is the 128-bit microcontroller runningthe front panel.
Rane's exclusive artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm determines
whether the user knows what he's (it's always a he; she's are too
smart to buy this thing) doing. The AI controller always overrides
totally stupid input. In addition, an autopilot mode exists, whereby
the AI controller pre-determines what the operator wants, and
executes it beforehand. And finally, the AI controller features
DWIWNWIS (Do what I want, not what I say) trouble free control
Ahhh, if only more gear came so equipped... :)
Received on Thu Jul 29 2004 - 12:45:13 BST