[SPAM] - Re: Qbus hard disk controller - Found word(s) error XXX in the Text body.

From: Jerome H. Fine <jhfinexgs2_at_compsys.to>
Date: Thu Jun 10 21:19:15 2004

>Pete Turnbull wrote:

> > On Jun 8, 19:18, Jerome H. Fine wrote:
> > Controller Model Max RD5n Drive
> > RQDX3 (M8639-YB) RD53
> M8639-YB is not RQDX3, it's RQDX2.

Jerome Fine replies:

YOU ARE CORRECT!! I did not check the details enough!!
I almost always seem to have at least ONE typo in anything
over 50 words.

Note that none of the RQDXn have any BOOT ROMS, which
is standard for a DEC controller as opposed to 3rd party controllers
which usually have BOOT ROMS. And even the RQDX3 is difficult
to use with any MFM drive except DEC RD5n and DEC RD3n
drives. As for the RQDX1 and RQDX2, I don't ever seem to
remember seeing one without a real DEC drive, although I have
heard that XXDP has been patched to use a non-standard (i.e.
non-DEC MFM drive). With regard to being able to FORMAT
a drive with an RQDXn controller, normally special XXDP programs
from DEC are REQUIRED!

I should also have added that ONLY the M7555 board (RQDX3)
is dual, the M8639 boards are all quad. In addition, the power
needed is also very different. The quad boards require over 6 Amps
on the 6 Volts while the dual board requires just over 2 Amps on
the 6 Volts. While this aspect is not usually a problem, it makes
like almost impossible in a VT103 when the TOTAL at 6 Volts
is ONLY 16 Amps.

Sincerely yours,

Jerome Fine
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Received on Thu Jun 10 2004 - 21:19:15 BST

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