--- "Jerome H. Fine" <jhfinexgs2_at_compsys.to> wrote:
> ...
> Note that none of the RQDXn have any BOOT ROMS,
> which
> is standard for a DEC controller as opposed to 3rd
> party controllers
> which usually have BOOT ROMS. And even the RQDX3
I have a question about BOOT ROMS. Does a MSCP
compatible disk controller need a boot rom to boot
from a HD connected to it? I am ingorant about this
> is difficult
> to use with any MFM drive except DEC RD5n and DEC
> RD3n
> drives. As for the RQDX1 and RQDX2, I don't ever
> seem to
> remember seeing one without a real DEC drive,
> although I have
> heard that XXDP has been patched to use a
> non-standard (i.e.
> non-DEC MFM drive). With regard to being able to
> a drive with an RQDXn controller, normally special
> XXDP programs
> from DEC are REQUIRED!
> I should also have added that ONLY the M7555 board
> (RQDX3)
> is dual, the M8639 boards are all quad. In
> addition, the power
> needed is also very different. The quad boards
> require over 6 Amps
> on the 6 Volts while the dual board requires just
> over 2 Amps on
> the 6 Volts. While this aspect is not usually a
> problem, it makes
> like almost impossible in a VT103 when the TOTAL at
> 6 Volts
> is ONLY 16 Amps.
> Sincerely yours,
> Jerome Fine
> --
> If you attempted to send a reply and the original
> e-mail
> address has been discontinued due a high volume of
> junk
> e-mail, then the semi-permanent e-mail address can
> be
> obtained by replacing the four characters preceding
> the
> 'at' with the four digits of the current year.
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Received on Thu Jun 10 2004 - 22:38:13 BST