The Future of Commodore (fwd from cbm-hackers)
Jason McBrien wrote:
> How about an all-singing, all-dancing super Commodore emulator? Emulates
> PET, C16, VIC20, C64, Plus4, C128, Amiga 500/1000/2000, all relevant
> cartridge and expansion slots, internal IDE hard drive to store program, and
> disk/tape images.
Well there are emulators for the VIC and 64, and who cares about the 128
unless you're talking cp/m.
There's UAE for the PC set who want to run Amiga software.
Now the cartridge/expansion slots is a whole different matter, counting
all the different dimensions, etc.
Let's really muddy the waters --- use UAE to run Frodo, a PC running an
Amiga emulator running a C-64 emulator.
Am I missing something here?????
Gary Hildebrand
ST. Joseph, MO
Received on Fri Jun 18 2004 - 22:33:11 BST
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