Modern Electronics (was Re: List charter mods & headcount... ;

From: Tony Duell <>
Date: Thu Jun 24 14:41:58 2004

> Acknowledging that you don't pretend to know everything means that you
> are
> more than just a pretend engineer (I was going to use the word wanker

I was once told that the real experts realise how little they know (and
also are not too arrogant to ask colleages, etc when said colleages would
have more knowledge or experience).

I don't claim to be an expert in anything. I also realise how little I
know, and I certainly seek advice when approriate (all the time ;-)).

> but
> this is a family mailing list :-). Tony please don't take this as
> something
> personal, it's just I'm fed up with (generally younger IT people

Why should I be offended. I have _never_ claimed to know everything and
never will.

Received on Thu Jun 24 2004 - 14:41:58 BST

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