>It broke
>free of its moorings whilst going round a sharp corner - one very heavy
>monitor somersaulted across the boot of the car with one hell of a bang
>I'm amazed the tube didn't implode to be honest,
I don't know, I've found monitor tubes to be fairly sturdy when it comes
to imploding. I've TRIED to break them before when throwing them out
(why? because its fun). And it usually takes a few good whacks with
something fairly heavy to crack the front glass. And then it just hisses
as the vacuum is broken and lots of nasty dust floats around... no magic
imploding like you see on TV.
On the other hand, I've found the back end of tubes, to be very sensitive
to breakage, and have cracked the gun off a number of them due to
improper shipping, or just giving a hard throw into a dumpster. But
again, no imploding, just broken glass.
I do plan to attempt to play "monitor golf" with the next one I throw
out... take a 10 lb sledge hammer, and swing it like a golf club at the
front of the monitor, and see either how far you drive the hammer into
the screen, or how far the monitor rolls away. :-)
And alas, the building I work in is being sold to a more conservative
owner (the local hospital), so I'm loosing my ability to toss things off
the roof to watch them smash into the parking lot. The current owner
lives many states away and is a little more relaxed about these things...
but I don't think the hospital will be happy to have me continue my
adventures under their ownership. :-(
Received on Fri Mar 12 2004 - 08:34:25 GMT