monitor with screwed colour in bottom-right of screen

From: Jules Richardson <>
Date: Fri Mar 12 07:26:28 2004

On Fri, 2004-03-12 at 12:35, Witchy wrote:
> I had the same problem with a 21" Digital job I rescued from Compaq since it
> was on its way to the dumpster. I lived with it for a while until I
> discovered the 'advanced' settings on the OSD, followed by something called
> 'purity' that directly affected the colours on the diagonals of the tube.
> Assuming that the Iiyama is a Trinitron tube like the DEC one you might have
> a similar setting.

Ooh, thanks - I'll give that a go. I'm sure it does have that option. It
certainly has vertical convergance which is nice; that's what started
drifting on my 17" screen (with no user control to tweak it) - I fiddled
with the back of the tube and got things back to normal but now it's
going again and prolonged use gives me a headache :/ Hence I'm looking
for a swap at the moment anyway.

> Later it started flickering and dimming, but that's another story :)

Well this one apparently had "wonky colours" according to the chap I got
it from, but I'm sure I made things worse shipping it home. It broke
free of its moorings whilst going round a sharp corner - one very heavy
monitor somersaulted across the boot of the car with one hell of a bang

I'm amazed the tube didn't implode to be honest, or I didn't smash any
of the boards. Net damage seems to be the loss of a 4" chunk of plastic
from front of the casing...

I am curious as to what the thin cable around the very front of the
screen is supposed to do. That got somewhat battered when the case
smashed. I currently have the plastic case off (and hence this wire
uplugged) whilst I glue it back together, and out of curiousity powered
the monitor up. It came up with a nice crisp normal image. Odd. Probably
coincidence... it does suggest that whatever the problem is is fixable
though (unless something's loose inside the tube itself I suppose)


Received on Fri Mar 12 2004 - 07:26:28 GMT

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