93448 IC?

From: Roger Merchberger <zmerch_at_30below.com>
Date: Tue Mar 30 17:27:32 2004

Rumor has it that Joe R. may have mentioned these words:

> You guys must have a different Google than I have! The first TWO hits
>that I got are for Dial Electronics. They have the part listed but don't
>say what it is, who made it or how much they want for it. The next two
>hits are for HKinventory and they give the same lack of information. Then
>USBid, Doom, and others. NONE of them give any information about the part
>at all. Thre are pages and pages of the same kind of useless hits. That's
>why I'm dumping Google!
> Joe

Admittedly OT, but I hope this helps:

Have you scanned your system for spyware? 2 programs work well for this:
Ad-Aware 6.0 (http://www.lavasoftusa.com/) and Spybot Search & Destroy

Try those, to see if you have something hijacking your internet connection
- Also, if you're using IE and don't mind switching, try mozilla
(http://www.mozilla.org/) I use FireFox as it's just a browser & nothing
else, but the full mozilla is also very nice. Built-in popup blocker -
haven't had a popup in over a year! If you can't stand anything but IE,
look into the AvantBrowser plugin (http://www.avantbrowser.com/) as it's
got a popup blocker in it as well, and tighten a lot of security issues in IE.

Do you use a bookmark to hit google? I think some software can actually
"rewrite" IE bookmarks, and that whole:


type of trick can make you not go to where you're thinking...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Hi! I am a .signature virus.  Copy me into your .signature to join in!
Received on Tue Mar 30 2004 - 17:27:32 BST

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