Funny you should mention Windiff. After reading the responses today
I was going to use Windiff to compare the directory printouts produced on
both machines and see if there's a difference in the output.
But thinking about it, Windiff has the ability to directly compare
directories. If I point it at the top "parent" on each machine I should be
able to see differences right away.
I guess then the final test would be comparing the MD5's on each
directory to ensure file integrity.
Any good MD5 utilities for Windows that will handle large file sets?
I downloaded two today but one is a file-by file MD5 and the other doesn't
recurse down the directory only does the current directory.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:54 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts; CCTech (E-mail)
Subject: RE: Comparing existence of massive number of files
Rich, one word: windiff. It's in the NT resource kit, and I think it's in
the small version of the kit downloadable at the URL below. --Patrick
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Richard A. Cini
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 7:44 PM
> To: CCTech (E-mail)
> Subject: Comparing existence of massive number of files
> Hello, all:
> I just moved most of my collection of on-line data to a new
> server here at
> home. I want to verify that all files have been copied and I
> didn't miss any
> directories/subdirectories. Basically I did it through a drag-and-drop
> across the network.
> What's the best way to do this? The OS is Windows NT
> (Server) and I'm
> looking at about 22gb of files of various types -- from music to source
> code.
> Any ideas? I still have the original server on standby for this
> verification before I wipe it clean for sale.
> Thanks again.
> Rich Cini
> Collector of classic computers
> Build Master for the Altair32 Emulation Project
> Web site:
> /************************************************************/
Received on Tue Mar 30 2004 - 13:30:12 BST