Cromemco SpaceWar object code

From: Richard A. Cini <>
Date: Sat Oct 2 12:47:41 2004

Hello, all:

        Does anyone have a functional copy of the Cromemco SpaceWar program
that was in the Dazzler manual? I have a PDF of the manual, which has a hex
dump of it, but OCRing it has proven to been a royal pain.

        Ideally what I need is a straight binary file. It would be about
3.3k long. If someone can assist with this, I'd appreciate it. I'm testing
some new "hardware" in the Altair32 Emulator.



Rich Cini
Collector of classic computers
Build Master for the Altair32 Emulation Project
Web site:
Received on Sat Oct 02 2004 - 12:47:41 BST

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