On Mon, Oct 18, 2004 at 12:39:16PM -0700, Tom Ponsford wrote:
> The real find though was an complete, (monitor,keyboard,cable) apparently
> non-working, Digital Professional 350. On inspection, it has a 000042
> CTI-bus card, which is a CTI DECNA ethernet card...woohoo.
> Spent around 30 dollars for everything.
Check the PSU - I had one die on my Pro380 last year. Not sure what to tell
you about repair - haven't delved into it yet.
I'd love to haev a DECNA in my Pro380 - especially when I get around to
loading some flavor of 2BSD or something similar on it.
Ethan Dicks, A-130-S Current South Pole Weather at 21-Oct-2004 00:50 Z
South Pole Station
PSC 468 Box 400 Temp -68.2 F (-55.7 C) Windchill -93.59 F (-69.8 C)
APO AP 96598 Wind 5.3 kts Grid 085 Barometer 676.1 mb (10772. ft)
Ethan.Dicks_at_amanda.spole.gov http://penguincentral.com/penguincentral.html
Received on Wed Oct 20 2004 - 19:58:00 BST