From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Tue Oct 26 06:16:26 2004

> I long ago took down my gopher server, and it seems it's largely
> disappeared from the net, even appears empty
> in my browser (firefox) which tries to render it as html!
> Besides a few flat-earthers ("Bring Back Gopher!") it's largely
> disappeared.
> Anyone on this list still run one? What's the best client to use?

Oh, I have a few things in gopherspace:

Floodgap Public Gopher Proxy:

Floodgap Gopher (and Veronica-2)

Client-wise, embarrassingly, Lynx does the best job. Most of the Mozilla
derivates don't handle the i itemtype, which is not standards-based but is
increasingly common. I list some of the gotchas on the Proxy page, although
there is some work on the Mozilla front to fix the deficiencies and it may
yet get better. Old Netscape 4.8 and earlier are reasonably functional.

I've been very tempted as a cross-platform project to reinvent the wheel
and bring back a current gopher client on current codebases.

---------------------------------- personal: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA *
-- Space is limited/In a haiku so it's hard/To finish what you - Tristan Miller
Received on Tue Oct 26 2004 - 06:16:26 BST

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