Real PDP11 model question

From: Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner <>
Date: Wed Sep 22 21:32:39 2004

It was thus said that the Great Jerome H. Fine once stated:
> Because of my requirement for 132 character text lines under
> VT100 editing (because I use MACRO-11 listings), only
> Windows 98 SE is able to provide this feature.

  Linux does support higher text resolutions (my firewall console is
currently set to 132x60) but the video card has to support the text
resolution you require (I've found it to be hit or miss). I use lilo to set
the video mode, but there is a way to do it from the command line (although
I've forgotten how).

  -spc (I tend to use xterm nowadays ... )
Received on Wed Sep 22 2004 - 21:32:39 BST

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