OT and getting further OT all the time! Re: Off-topic, but interesting (Fiorina fired)

From: Computer Collector Newsletter <news_at_computercollector.com>
Date: Thu Feb 10 17:57:57 2005

>>>>> if the Media is funded by advertisers, and thus beholden to them, do you
really think that selling product is *ever* going to take a back seat to any
other concern

Wishing I didn't have to say this: Anyone who feels the way you do is a fucking

--- Eric Smith <eric_at_brouhaha.com> wrote:

> Bill wrote:
> > Most of "The Media" does not exist to inform, enlighten, or educate.
> > It exists to sell products.
> Evan wrote:
> > Bill: get real. That's an incredibly immature and uninformed
> > generalization.
> Which happens to be completely true.
> Do you really think that your advertisers have any objective *other*
> than selling their product? And if the Media is funded by advertisers,
> and thus beholden to them, do you really think that selling product
> is *ever* going to take a back seat to any other concern, except in
> very minor (essentially irrelevant) matters?
> If you really believe otherwise, you are incredibly naive.
> > As a real reporter, I find your comemnt very, very offensive.
> That's a shame.
> > As I've tried
> > explaining on this list before, the vast majority of we real reporters
> > are perfectly honorable, well-intended, upstanding citizens.
> That may well be true, and yet it does not in any way contradict what
> Bill said. The objectives of "Media" and the objectives of reporters
> are not necessarily the same. The extent to which they are aligned
> depends largely on how discerning the audience is. At some point even
> Fox News might cross the line such that they lose audience. Such an
> event would most likely be corrected very quickly. In fact, something
> like that happened with CBS, and they're still trying to recover.
> Eric

Evan's personal homepage: www.snarc.net

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Received on Thu Feb 10 2005 - 17:57:57 GMT

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