My apologies, Sellam. No offense was intended. I'm still fuming about
Jeff Gannon / James D. Guckert.
I would note, however, that to those of us who are not in the field,
it's getting hard to tell the sheep from the goats. According to a
2003 Gallup poll, reporters are way down the list, considered
untrustworthy by 61% of those surveyed. And that was before Dan
Rather, Gannon/Guckert, McManus, Gallagher, Williams, and "Outfoxed."
But this is off-topic. Again, I regret causing offense, and apologize.
-- Bill
On Feb 10, 2005, at 6:32 PM, Computer Collector Newsletter wrote:
>>>>> Most of "The Media" does not exist to inform, enlighten, or
>>>>> educate. It
> exists to sell products.
> Bill: get real. That's an incredibly immature and uninformed
> generalization.
> As a real reporter, I find your comemnt very, very offensive. As I've
> tried
> explaining on this list before, the vast majority of we real reporters
> are
> perfectly honorable, well-intended, upstanding citizens. But like in
> field, there are always few unethical idiots (i.e., Fox News) who,
> ironically,
> get the most attention.
> --- Bill Sheehan <> wrote:
>> Peace, Sellam. Most of "The Media" does not exist to inform,
>> enlighten, or educate. It exists to sell products. The Fifth
>> Columnists of the Fourth Estate are sideshow barkers, selling thrills
>> that won't sustain closer investigation. I'll bet that no one is
>> actually quoted as questioning the viability of female executives.
>> It'll be the generic and amorphous "People," as in "People are
>> asking...". You'll know the story has peaked when it appears in the
>> NY
>> Post with a headline like:
>> "Carly Canned! Is Condi next?"
>> Now back to more important matters. Hazardous chemicals are used in
>> computer manufacture. Is your computer killing you? Details at
>> 11:00.
>> -- Bill
>> On Feb 10, 2005, at 12:58 PM, Vintage Computer Festival wrote:
>>> For real. I'm already hearing in "the Media" questions being asked
>>> like,
>>> "With Carly's firing, what is the future of women in business?" Like
>>> all
>>> of a sudden women are going to be forced back into the home and made
>>> to
>>> wear burkas or somesuch.
>>> Christ all-fricking mighty! She was just another CEO who made big
>>> mistakes and got canned for it.
>>> --
>>> Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer
>>> Festival
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> --
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>>> International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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