On Mon, 14 Feb 2005, William Donzelli wrote:
> What's wrong with asking for the unit back? If I sell something to someone
> and it is not what they wanted (it has been pretty much limitted to tubes
> - the audio and guitar guys can be picky), damn right I want the unit
> back, even if it is worthless. I have had too many buyers try to defraud
> me, so making them ship the things back makes them think twice about and
> trickery.
> Can you say "fraud prevention"? Basic RMA, man...
Don't get me wrong, I understand completely. But in this case, with
photos showing the damage, and considering it'll cost at least another $30
to have this shipped back to her, the question is WHY? What the hell is
she going to do with a 40 pound pile of crap? It'll probably cost her
another $5 to dispose of it. And whatever insurance claim she tries to
file will probably not cover the return postage, let alone the damage to
the unit since she didn't bother packing it properly.
It just doesn't make sense. Hence, my complete and total moron
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Received on Sun Feb 13 2005 - 23:42:23 GMT