HP TSB card

From: JimD <jimmydevice_at_verizon.net>
Date: Tue Feb 15 03:21:35 2005

Eric Smith wrote:

>Jim asks about my account of mark sense batch BASIC vs. HP 2000 TSB:
>>That wasn't the Portland Or. school distirict, Around 1969-70, was it ?
>I'm not sure exactly when our school district upgraded from the mark sense
>cards and batch BASIC to 2000C Time Shared BASIC, but I started using the
>latter around 1977.
>Then I got an account on a DECsystem-10 at a different institution and
>taught myself MACRO-10, Fortran, and a bit of ALGOL. The DEC-10 was much
>nicer, which was not too surprising since the system cost was about ten
>times as much. But I'm still nostalgic for TSB anyhow. :-)
I was just guessing, By the time I was in high school (1970) they had
moved to ARS33s
But I remember students submitting mark sense cards for overnight batch
jobs until 1972..
Regardless, The HP 2000 TSB system was for me and I assume thousands
of students,
their first taste of interactive electronic computing..
Jim Davis.
Received on Tue Feb 15 2005 - 03:21:35 GMT

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