Thanks Paul! Now do you have anything about the CPU used in the HP
2621P? I dug up three of them today :-/ Google found this
At 10:06 PM 2/22/05 +0000, you wrote:
>Joe R. wrote:
>> Does anyone have the specs for these terminals or know what CPU they use?
>Extract from 02623-90001, "HP 2623A Graphics Terminal User Manual"
>1 Introducing the HP 2623A
>The HP 2623A Display Terminal is a graphics terminal with many of the
>alphanumeric capabilities of the 262X family of terminals. These
>capabilities include block mode and format mode for data entry
>applications. Forms may be displayed and enhanced by the optional line
>drawing set. The terminal can display up to 80 characters per line and
>has an optional printer for printing graphic or alphanumeric data.
>Highlights of the HP 2623A are:
>High Quality Display
>- Bright, clear screen display.
>- Selective erase.
>- 512 ? 390 displayable points.
>- Enhanced 7 ? 11 dot characters in a 9 ? 15 dot cell.
>- 24-line by 80-character screen; 48-line by 80-character alphanumeric
> memory.
>Graphics Software Support
>- Graph 1000-II Compatible.
>- DSG 3000 Compatible.
>Optional Built-in Graphics and Alphanumeric Hardcopy
>- Graphics Hardcopy in 30 to 60 seconds.
>- Quiet thermal printer.
>- Prints data-entry type forms.
>Fast Vector Generation
>- 9600 buaud data communications.
>- Eleven definable line types.
>Graphics Text
>- USASCII and six foreign languages.
>- Normal or slanted type.
>- Variable character size.
>- Variable character orientation.
>Rectangular Area Shading
>- User definable patterns.
>Alphanumeric Features
>- High resolution display.
>- Display enhancements.
>- Format mode.
>- Character/Block modes.
>- Editing.
>Ease Of Use
>- Eight user-definable function keys.
>- Soft configuration.
>- Separate graphics and alphanumeric cursors.
>- Keyboard control of graphics cursor.
>- Simultaneous graphics and alphanumeric displays.
>- Embedded numeric keypad.
>- Typewriter-style keyboard.
>- International character sets.
>- RS232 printer port.
>Data Communication
>- EIA RS232-C
>- 20ma current loop.
>- Full-duplex asynchronous.
>Reliability and Serviceability
>- Self-test
>- Modular design.
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Received on Tue Feb 22 2005 - 17:15:39 GMT