IBM involvement w/ Germany during WWII (was Re: Christie's au ction...)

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <RMeenaks_at_OLF.COM>
Date: Thu Feb 24 11:24:05 2005

Well, you got to remember that we werent in war with anyone at that time
(before 1941 that is). We even embraced Nazism in some aspect just like the
british royals did before the war (remember that they ARE germans even if
they changed their name to Windsor...) We ranked up in sales in Germany,
UK, Japan, etc. So no surprise there....


-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Parker []
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2005 12:18 PM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: IBM involvement w/ Germany during WWII (was Re: Christie's

"Eric Smith" wrote:
>So the US Government allowed IBM to lease equipment and sell cards to
>the Axis powers during the war? This seems hard to believe.

You might want to look into Krupps and GM during WWII.

"follow the money..."


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