Imlac PDS-1D Simulator progress

From: Tom Uban <>
Date: Fri Feb 25 07:43:18 2005

>It's great that you did this. But how come you didn't base it on SIMH?
>You could've used the graphics routines written for the Spacewar!
>simulator as a starting point for the Imlac graphics.

Frankly it is because I wanted a fun project where I got to "write" the
code instead of one where I got to "debug" someone else's code. I get to
do that on a daily basis now. This has been the most programming fun that
I've had in the last few years now...

>I'll be interested in playing with it.

Me too:-)

Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 07:43:18 GMT

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