On Friday 25 February 2005 01:35, Jay West wrote:
> Or is there another point you're trying to make? I spend a pretty huge
> amount of time on this stuff, mostly behind the scenes. I'm not asking for
> any praise, but I don't need to be chided about taking a while to implement
> a feature.
We just went through this regarding package management.
: find out who the maintainer is and send him email flames
> that always works for me ;-)
: "Dear Mr. Maintainer. I know you spend your free time providing a deb
version of OpenOffice.org because you're nice, but could you please get off
your lazy ass and make a 1.1.4 deb?"
> good one (don't forget to call them a 'lamer', etc., too tho)
: oh yes.. forgot that part
So, I think the correct protocol for getting someone to do something for you
in their free time is to insult them call them a slacker, luser, lamer...
follow this up with more repetitive insulting email until the person give in.
Throwing in some L33T sp33K will also show them that you are t00 c001 to
argue with.
: find out who the maintainer is and send him email flames
> that always works for me ;-)
: "Dear Mr. Maintainer. I know you spend your free time providing a deb
version of OpenOffice.org because you're nice, but could you please get off
your lazy ass and make a 1.1.4 deb?"
> LiquidNerd: good one (don't forget to call them a 'lamer', etc., too tho)
: oh yes.. forgot that part
> oh, and sign it Bruce Perens just to really get them motivated
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Received on Fri Feb 25 2005 - 07:51:52 GMT