no more UPS!

From: Tom Jennings <>
Date: Wed Jan 19 00:56:09 2005

Gee, I have no problems with USPS, UPS or Fedex. They each do some
things well, and some things poorly.

I've been in the mail order biz, and can't really say that USPS
actually lost things. I know customers used it as an excuse
though. They perform the amazing feat of taking a 1 oz. letter
hand addressed and deliver it anywher in the US for 37 freaking
cents! I have not had a letter lost, in either direction, in my
memory. I've got a couple mangled by auto equipment, delivered in
a plastic envelope. Shit Happens.

UPS service depends a lot on the interface people, as is obvious
with the jerk that started this thread. At Xmas time, once, they
lost a set of car leaf springs. There was an ordinary delay, I
went to pick up... lost. A few hours later they were found pushed
under the warehouse shelf, as they were "too heavy" to lift onto
the shelf. Idiots.

I've found that the 2nd-tier carriers -- DHL and the like -- to be
utterly HORRIBLE. They're fine at the normal case -- but if
anything goes wrong they collapse. Took three days to get a
package deliverd to the UCI campus -- most recently -- they
"couldn't find" UC Irvine, even though it has a half dozen ZIP
codes, dozens of streets, etc.
Received on Wed Jan 19 2005 - 00:56:09 GMT

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