Mainframes at Junk Yard

From: Doug Yowza <>
Date: Sun Dec 13 00:37:09 1998

On Sat, 12 Dec 1998, Tom Owad wrote:

> The Sperry Univac:
> This one's bigger that a refrigerator, with a reel unit (which is nearly
> as big) attached to it. There wasn't any model number on the front panel
> that I could see. This is a Unix system, I'm guessing?

If it's a Univac I, I want it :-) I really don't know much about the
history of the Univac, but the same name was used for a bunch of quite
different machines I think. The first one was the direct descendent of
the ENIAC, so no, the "Uni" in Univac has nothing to do with Unix, if
that's what you're thinking.

It sounds like quite a cool graveyard, though.

-- Doug
Received on Sun Dec 13 1998 - 00:37:09 GMT

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