Setting-up a Sun shoebox.

From: John Ruschmeyer <>
Date: Mon Mar 2 19:45:17 1998

At 08:09 pm 3/2/98 -0500, you wrote:
> I finally got the various pieces together that I need to hopefully setup
>a shoebox for my 3/50. I have a copy of NetBSD on CD-ROM, the shoebox, and
>60mb tapes.
> My question is this: what is the best way to setup the shoebox with
>NetBSD? I thought about hooking the shoebox and a CD up to a PeeCee and
>trying to create a bootable tape (I don't know if this is even possible), or
>copying the 68k distribution to the hard disk. If you read the FAQ on the
>CD, it almost sounds like you need a bootable system to be able to install

I suppose the first question is... what OS is on the PC? If you were
running some unix variant (Linux or *BSD), then you could just netboot the
Sun and go from there.

I believe that since you have NetBSD on CD (v 1.2.1, I presume from the
BSDisc), then the real trick is getting it to load the miniroot or some NFS
mounted equivalent. My gut feeling (short of loading NetBSD on the PC)
would be to see if you can 'dd' or 'rawrite' the miniroot to tape (I don't
think the Sun bootloader will read the disk without a label).

Just a thought, your might want to join the Suns-At-Home mailing list


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and see if they have an idea.

Received on Mon Mar 02 1998 - 19:45:17 GMT

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