John: I have original manual sets for $20. Tom wrote:
> After long hoping to get one someday, this weekend I found an
> Teletype ASR-33 in a dumpster at the UW-Madison surplus center.
> It appears to be working in most respects. In local mode, I was able
> to type characters although the ribbon was a bit dry. However, when
> it reached the right margin, it would not "return". Line feed works.
> The geared belt is tight, and pressing additional characters strains
> it and sometimes makes it "chunk" as if it were trying to jump a tooth.
> I tinkered with the L-shaped catch on the belt that appears to engage
> a lever when the carriage reaches the right side. Right now, this
> L-catch is to the left of the lever, which gives me the impression
> that it didn't catch the way it was supposed to, and now the machine
> is stuck in a position that I need to learn how to free. Any ideas?
> The data cable has nine wires to an HP-labelled edge-card connector.
> Is this 20 ma current loop? I thought that was just four wires.
> How difficult is it to get a service manual for one of these?
> Is there a date-code some where on it? Will it read a five-level
> Baudot paper tape as well as seven-bit, assuming I can translate
> Baudot to ASCII?
> - John
> Jefferson Computer Museum <>
> ----
> Submissions:
Received on Mon Mar 16 1998 - 14:31:52 GMT