At 03:20 PM 3/15/98 +0000, you wrote:
>All too often, formatting, multiple fonts, embedded pictures, colour, etc
>are used as a replacement for content. I've got plenty of monospaced
>documents with ascii-art diagrams that provide useful information, and an
>equal number of nicely formatted documents with pictures that contain no
>information at all.
Substitute "web pages" for "documents" and it would be just as true.
If you can't communicate your meaning with plain text, you better go back
and rethink what you're trying to say. Mind you, I don't expect everyone
to be a Robert Frost or William Shakespeare, but you should be able to
convey an idea in your native tongue.
Email is meant for communicating.
Me, I use Eudora. It dumps that sort of thing into a disk file in my
download directory; periodically I go and clean it up.
Mind you, I love the web, I think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
It's simple, powerful, and really lets you do a lot without a lot of
resources. (I've developed web pages on my portfolio, and view them
regularly under DOS with Arachne.) But it's not intended for e-mail.
Putting HTML in an e-mail message is like sending a video tape of yourself
instead of a letter. It works, some people might prefer it, even need it,
but for most people, what you've got to say isn't worth setting up a VCR/TV
and sitting around to listen to you.
If you really need e-mail in color with different size/font text, get
yourself a subscription to penthouse. You'll be much happier in the long run.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Tue Mar 17 1998 - 00:30:39 GMT