HP 7475A Plotter

From: John Ott <jott_at_cerberus.ee.nd.edu>
Date: Mon Mar 8 08:29:35 1999

Hello -

Try Precision Data Products:

5036 Falcon View
Kentwood, MI 49512


I haven't ordered from them for awhile but they used to carry them.


db9s db25s
1 4
2 2
3 3
4 5,6
5 7
6,8 20
7 8

mode com1:9600,n,8,1,p
mode lpt1=com1:
print fname

Actually, if you use XON/XOFF hand shaking you probably only need
pins 2, 3 and 7.

2 transmit
3 receive
4 rts
5 cts
6 dsr
7 gnd
8 received line signal detector
17 external clock input
20 dtr
23 dsr


> Hi Allen, Greetings from Orlando.
> At 11:09 AM 3/7/99 -0000, you wrote:
> >Last year you sent out a request for info about HP7475A Plotter pens.
> Like you, I am now trying to get one working. DId you find a source for
> pens?
> There's tons of them advertised on E-bay. I've found piles of them at
> hamfest and thift stores.
> Also, do you have any idea where I can get a plotter manual?
> HP probably still has them.
> Even xerox copies of the important pages would help. ALso, any idea what
> cable is required.
> Depends on which interface you have on the computer and on the plotter.
> Joe

* John Ott                         *  Email: jott_at_saturn.ee.nd.edu     *
* Dept. Electrical Engineering     *                                  *
* 275 Fitzpatrick Hall             *                                  *
* University of Notre Dame         *  Phone: (219) 631-7752           *
* Notre Dame, IN 46556        USA  *                                  *
Received on Mon Mar 08 1999 - 08:29:35 GMT

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