On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Arfon Gryffydd wrote:
> I said "like CP/M". I didn't mean CP/M. I wish for a totally newly
> rewritten 32/64 bit command line based OS that has a GUI and networking
> built in and is multi-tasking and multi-user and whose specs are freely
> distributed and is covereld .
You mean, oh, something perhaps like...LINUX!?
> Cold hard fact: Linux will never defeat Windows (in the consumer market)
> because the average non-computer person is intimidated by it and it's too
> complex for them. Who ever dominates the consumer market, dominates the
> industry because of the sheer numbers. Linux will always be splintered
> (various distributions, various desktops and various setups) because it's
> open.
POPPY-COCK! You must forget what you knew in 1996 and move forward in
time. Much has changed since then.
Sellam Alternate e-mail: dastar_at_siconic.com
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Received on Tue Mar 09 1999 - 12:00:23 GMT