Interesting to note about Altairs...

From: Allison J Parent <>
Date: Tue Mar 9 18:21:52 1999

<My wish is not a kludge of CP/M. I used CP/M as an example but, if you
<were going to use CP/M, I'd wish for a total new re-write with all the
<features I wanted built in.

Well write them in. The cources are on the net as free for hobby use,
there are at least 5 different CPm clones and you can run MYz80 as a
development platfform on you PC.

<Nope! Linux is still to hard for the average user. There are too many
<different flavor of libraries (GLIBC2 vs. LIBC5 as an example). Windows
<has the advantage of having (for the most part) only one version of
<necessary DLLs. Linux will never match the ease of Windows because if it
<did, half of Linux's attractiveness (the user configurability) will be lost

The installation is the horror. I have Red Hat and it doesn't like my
CDU-33, Slakware does... go figure.

Received on Tue Mar 09 1999 - 18:21:52 GMT

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