Actually sharing the Vision --
In monitoring this coversation I'm reminded about the eventual repository
of my collection. It is small by comparison to some of the collections I
hear described on this list but still I have s significant amount of house
space devoted to it.
My wife is very supportive but we both know the collection will eventually
need a home of it's own.
I think our vision of such a place may be something like a Cybercafe with
a dedicated place for old computer equipment to be renovated and
experimented with. Obviously there would be a place for visiting
computers systems as well as space for "The Collection".
If such an idea becomes a chain of such things so much the better. You
could end up with exchanges amonst collections similarly to the was Other
museums trade exibits.
I propose the Cybercafe part to raise enough revenue to pay for the space
but I down't really know if you could generate enough to keep out of the
Other thoughts and ideas please.....
George L. Rachor Jr.
Beaverton, Oregon
United States of America Amateur Radio : KD7DCX
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Megan wrote:
> > All this talk of museums... I've been toying with the idea of trying
> > to set up something like that... Along the lines of RCS/RI...
> >
> > I was wondering how such groups got started... how did/do they afford
> > storage places...
> My 1200sqft is very cheap at the moment (i.e. free) and I am able to take
> advantage of great deals on accoutrements like ~1600sqft of steel shelving
> for $200 by always trying to be in the right place at the right time.
> Of course it wouldn't be entirely possible without the help of a great
> group of collector's over here in the bay area that lend a generous hand
> without too much prodding :)
> > What I've been thinking of is a place where people can put their
> > systems on display -- static while being worked on, with help
> > from volunteers, and dynamic once working. At least when working
> > I would hope that people could use a terminal to use/program it.
> I'm setting up basically an old technology renaissance center. A place
> where hackers, nerds and geeks can go on weekends to work together on old
> computers (and other old technology, but mostly computers), search through
> the library of "obsolete" technical documentation I'm assembling for
> informational or just recreational reading, and share their passions with
> fellow enthusiasts. I hope to have it ready for the first general
> assembly by the summer time (June or thereabouts).
> > Obviously, not everyone would be allowed to actually touch the
> > innards of a system or the removable bits... that would be
> > reserved for those who have an expressed interest/knowledge of
> > a specific system. Otherwise, people would have to settle for
> > terminal access, or supervised access.
> And ideally you'll train the ones who express an interest in wanting to
> attain the knowledge necessary to be able to touch the innards. The whole
> premise of my establishment is to be a center of learning.
> > I was thinking of contacting the current owners of the Maynard
> > Mill to see if there was any possibility of donation of (or
> > reduced rental) on a space there... it would be neat if some
> > DEC systems could return home for display...
> >
> > What do people think?
> I think its a wonderful idea. More people should devote their time to
> this sort of endeavor.
> > What if we had a 'chain' of said museums, run by members of
> > the classiccmp list, all over the country... would make it
> > easier to have VCF-east,south, midwest, etc...
> It would certainly make long trips to distant relatives more bearable for
> us geeks if we knew there was a computer hacker's center nearby.
> > Pardon my ramblings... I guess I'm disappointed with the
> > Boston Computer Museum, some of what I've heard about the
> > Computer Museum at Moffett field is criminal, plus it is
> > too far away as is VCF, and with my schedule I've been unable
> > to get to RCS/RI...
> Passion and vision is all it takes.
> > (plus, I know my partner would like to see me move some of my
> > collection out... :-)
> Much of my reason for moving my stuff out of the garage was that it just
> became entirely unwieldy. The secondary reason was my wife's constant
> nagging. Wives just don't get it I guess. I wonder if Allison's husband
> nags her about her garage? :)
> Sellam Alternate e-mail:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Don't rub the lamp if you don't want the genie to come out.
> Coming in 1999: Vintage Computer Festival 3.0
> See for details!
> [Last web site update: 02/15/99]
Received on Tue Mar 23 1999 - 12:11:32 GMT