E.U.N.U.C.H. (Materialthickness)

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Fri Nov 19 13:36:05 1999

>> With a cooler that is chip/plate/water don't you want to keep the "plate"
>> as thin as possible?
>Jep, since phi = lambda*S*delta-T / delta . Just, I didn't use a
>simple plate and only one waterlayer, but rather a system of pipes
>(drilled holes) to have a) a better controll for the water flow and
>b) enlarge the plate / water contact by three. As larger the
>surface (S) as higher the possible thermal current (vulgo amount
>of transported heat). I can't enlarge the chips surface, so S is
>fixed between chip and 'plate', but I can enlarge S between 'plate'
>and water.
>The minimal thickness is defined by your tools and skills - I used
>0.8 mm (~1/30 inch) as minimal thickness betreen one pipe and the

Since we are talking fluid cooling, anybody putting a heatsink on both
sides of the chip?

I would not worry too much about the water side, pressure and flow can work
wonders there, but would keep the copper plate just thick enough to avoid
hot spots and cover as much of the chip surface as electrically possible.
Received on Fri Nov 19 1999 - 13:36:05 GMT

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