Anyone ever seen a TRAN M3000?

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Sat Jun 2 10:19:19 2001

> >In a few weeks, I'll put a diagram of the Indiana
> >University Computing Network cira 1974 up on my web
> >site so you can see the role it played. You'll need
> >a WHIP! viewer (from Autodesk's web site) to view it.
> If the diagram is of that vintage and not going to be
> changed, why post it in Autocad format where it needs a special
> plug-in to view it?

I haven't been able to create a raster image of it
that preserves all the visible details without it
being smaller than 2MB. I can't dedicate that much
of my precious homepage storage space to a single
item. The DWF file (and likewise a DXF) are a few
orders of magnitude smaller. Here's an attempt at
makeing it fit in a web browser:

See what I mean? It's a large diagram with lots of

Received on Sat Jun 02 2001 - 10:19:19 BST

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