>In message <l03102804b6deefe46f6a_at_[]>, Mike Ford writes:
>>Most likely I have it, no matter what that "it" is regarding older network
>>stuff. Email me directly with, hopefully, an idea of what exactly you need
>>and I will look in my boxes.
>I know this is a longshot since this is more telecom than networking,
>but do you by any chance have any Tellabs equipment in your collection?
>In particular, I'm looking for a 4-wire E&M interface card for their
>T-1 multiplexer product. When I first got out of college I went to
>work for them and that card was my first design in industry. When I
>left the company I never managed to snag one as a keepsake.
>Brian L. Stuart
I wouldn't know it if it bit me. ;)
But, I go to some telecomm auctions, so if I very clearly understand what
it is, I could look for one. These guys are sometimes local to me in
Orange, CA, and they sell tons of telecomm.
Also once I know what it is, I can ask a couple of the guys I know who are
buyers at this type of auction.
Cheers, Mike Ford
Received on Fri Mar 23 2001 - 01:47:59 GMT