Flea Market finds...: VAX 5000/200 point me to a faq please...

From: Mark Green <mark_at_cs.ualberta.ca>
Date: Sun Mar 25 01:31:10 2001

> Were there any 5000/200s with internal disks? Mine hasn't got any internal
> SCSI connector, nor any mounting point. It's quite bizarre, though, since it's
> the biggest case in my entire collection.

I seem to recall that one of my 5000/200s at one point had an
internal SCSI device. I suspect it was a TK50, but I'm not
sure. We reconfigured the workstations soon after receiving
them, and I think all the SCSI devices were placed in external
boxes at that point. This made it easier to share devices, and
have most of the file systems up when a workstation crashed.

> >First check to see if there is a disk (open up the box, take
> >a look). Also check what your system thinks is attached to it.
> >There is a command for this that you can enter at the >> prompt.
> >I don't remember the name now, but type help at the >> prompt
> >at it should tell you. This will tell you the devices attached
> >to the SCSI interface so you can determine whether it is looking
> >at the right drive.
> You could always netboot it. Try "boot 6/tftp", assuming you've got some kind
> of server on the network with a bootpd or dhcpd as well as a tftpd.
> >It will have a keyboard connector, it will probably look like a RJ11
> >phone jack if I remember correctly. There should also be a video
> >connector on the back. The video connector has 3 pins, its doesn't
> >look like a VGA connector, or any other standard video connector.
> Define "standard"? To the best of my knowledge, there has never been any
> standard video connector, save perhaps for SCART.

By standard I meant something that had been used elsewhere. If
you have never seen this connector before, there is a good chance
that you wouldn't guess its a video connector. Standard connectors
I associate with video are VGA, 13W3 and BNC, this looks like none
of them.

> >The three pins are R,G,B with I believe sync on G. You should be
> >able to connect these to a VGA monitor.
> Assuming it supports sync on green and the correct frequencies.
> --

If I remember correctly, the 5000 line had relatively standard
video frequencies, it was the monitors that were fixed frquency
and couldn't be switched between different models. I suspect
it is either 1024x768 or 1280x1024, it will depend upon the
graphics option that's installed.

Dr. Mark Green                                 mark_at_cs.ualberta.ca
McCalla Professor                              (780) 492-4584
Department of Computing Science                (780) 492-1071 (FAX)
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H1, Canada
Received on Sun Mar 25 2001 - 02:31:10 BST

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