Mac SE/30

From: Billy D'Augustine <>
Date: Tue Mar 27 10:35:28 2001

Ok, this kinda makes sense now. After someone (sorry, I forget) posted about
HVFExplorer, I found it on the web somewhere. One other thing I downloaded
was a System 7.0 bootdisk, and I was able to create this disk using
HVFExplorer, and boot the SE/30 with it. It didn't do much, but I cannot
mount the hard drive with it - sounds like what you describe below. I can't
even SEE the hard drive. The HD tools program sees "something" on the SCSI
chain, but that's about it...

I downloaded some of the disks from the Apple ftp site, but these are
.smi.bin files. I was able to turn them into .smi files (using StuffIt for
Windows), but am stuck here. HFVExplorer doesn't seem to deal with .smi

> Before MacOS 9.x password protection there was a nasty access control
> application called At Ease. It went REALLY low level to keep you from
> screwing around with things, if a disk is protected with at ease, the only
> way to get at it is booting from another disk and updating the hard disk
> drivers. Foolproof is a similar, thrid party application, and
> there is also
> a program (Disklock perhaps?) which locks the drive WAY down, you
> can't even
> mount it if you boot from another disk. If the disk is protected with
> Foolproof or, more likely, At Ease, you'll need to reinstall the OS if you
> don't have the password. If it is protected with an application like
> Disklock (i.e. it doesn't show up on the desktop when booting from another
> disk) your only recourse is to completely reformat and reinstall the OS.
Received on Tue Mar 27 2001 - 10:35:28 BST

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