Chris said:
> >Post a digital pic on your webpage so we can look 'n' see?
> Ok... pics are up (sorry, no risque terminal pics).
> Go to <>
> There are two terms there. One is a Wyse something (maybe a 60 based on
> pics I just saw on ebay). The other is a Qume, that I am fairly certain
> is a Qume QVT-108 (seeing as that is silk screened on the main board).
> Both have some kind of a daughter card. Are the cards normal or are they
> some custom programmable thing to give the terminal special abilities for
> its used application.
That definitly looks like a WY-60 to me; we used to have them at a public
library I worked at in high school :) Don't know about the daughter card
> The Wyse terminal is from an Isoetec EZ-1/66 phone system. The Qume is
> from an Isoetec EZ-1/96 system.
> If people can ID these, are there any recommendations as to where to get
> these terminals CHEAP (I saw some Wyse 60's on ebay for about $40, but I
> can't find any Qume QVT-108s). If terminals aren't available, does anyone
> have a recommendation of emulation software I can run.
> Thanks muchly
> -chris
> <>
- Dan Wright
-] ------------------------------ [-] -------------------------------- [-
``Weave a circle round him thrice, / And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honeydew hath fed, / and drunk the milk of Paradise.''
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Kubla Khan
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